Working Group Measuring Instruments (WgMI) meeting held 20 - 21 April 2021

From 20 to 21 April 2021 the European Commission’s Working Group Measuring Instruments met for their annual meeting. Althogether, WELMEC submitted 20 new or revised Guides and 7 Corresponding Tables which were elaborated in WELMEC’s Working Group and approved by the WELMEC Committee in 2020 and 2021, to be endorsed by the members of the WgMI.

While the Guides serve as a common interpretation of EU legislation (MID / NAWID), the Corresponding Tables refer to OIML recommendations which can be used in the absence of harmonised standards and support the application of normative documents and serve as cross reference between MID and OIML recommendations.

WELMEC currently has published 64 Guides, 42 of them referenced by the EC, and 17 Corresponding Tables which are published in the EC’s Official Journal. The Guides and Corresponding Tables are available for free download on the WELMEC website:

WELMEC was represented at the WgMI meeting by the WELMEC Chairperson Pavel Klenovsky and the Vice Chairperson Marc Wouters.

The Working Group Measuring Instruments is advising the Commission on issues related to the implementation and practical application of Directives in legal metrology and is composed of representatives of member state authorities, European federations, notified bodies and European standardisation organisations and chaired by the (Deputy) Head of Unit H2 Machinery & Equipment of DG Grow.

Due to the pandemic the meeting was held as an online meeting.

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