MID & NAWID Certificates

Art. 38 of the MID 2014/32/EU and art. 33 of the NAWID 2014/31/EU require the information exchange of EC-type examination certificates, EC-design examination certificates and quality system approvals issued by notified bodies. WELMEC members have decided to offer this central portal as a tool to access to national databases containing these certificates.

A complete overview of Notified Bodies can be found here >>

To see the declaration of the European Commission and the links to the WELMEC Guides, please go here >>

The certificates are available by the following national databases for MID Certificates. Some of the national databases include EEC-Certificates and NAWI-Certificates as well.

Depending on the national regulation, an identification process may be necessary to access to MID certificates and downloading procedures.

Please, follow the specific procedure of registration requested by each national database (if any).

Notified Body: 0445

Link to the National Database >>

Contact: notifizierte.stelle@bev.gv.at

Notified Bodies: 1887, 1957, 2341

Link to the National Database >>

Contact: h.sokolova@bim.government.bg

Notified Bodies: 2468, 2494

Link to the National Database >>

Contact: vesna.lucic-regvar@dzm.hr

Notified Body: 1383

Link to the National Database >>

Contact: certification@cmi.cz

Notified Bodies: 0199, 0200, 2542

Link to the National Database >>

Contact: metroli@sik.dk

Notified Body: 0424

Contact: fi.customerservice@kiwa.com

Notified Body: 0071

Link to National Database >>

Contact: thomas.lommatzsch@lne.fr

Notified Bodies: 0102, 0103, 0366, 1948

Link to National Database >>

Contact: micert@ptb.de

Notified Body: 1422

Link to National Database >>


Notified Bodies: 0051, 0407, 1273, 2081, 2142, 2213

National Database:
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Direzione generale per il mercato, la concorrenza, la tutela del  consumatore e la normativa tecnica
Divisione VIII - Strumenti di misura e metalli preziosi
Via Sallustiana,53, 00187 Roma, Italy

Contact: renato.insola@mise.gov.it

Notified Body: 1917

Link to National Database >>

Certification Centre
Phone: + 371 6362 4528

Notified Body: 1621

Link to National Database >>

Contact: gediminas.zygmantas@lei.lt, gerda.krukoniene@eimin.lt

Certificates are available in Lithuanian and English (unofficial translation).

Notified Body: 0431

Link to National Database >>

Contact: fls@justervesenet.no 

Notified Bodies: 1440, 1450

Link to National Database >>

Contact: certification@gum.gov.pl

Notified Bodies: 0866, 2734, 2714


APCER - Associação


Servimetro, Serviços de Metrologia S.A.

Notified Bodies: 2275, 2665, 2666, 2003

Link to National Database >>

Contact: office@brml.ro

Notified Bodies: 1304,1376

Link to National Database >>

Contact: gp.mirs@gov.si

Notified Bodies: 0300, 0370, 1859, 1886, 1964

Link to National Database >>

Contact: sruiz@cem.es

Notified Body: 0402

Link to National Database >>

Contact: registrator@swedac.se

Notified Body: 1259

Link to National Database >>

Legal Metrology
Notified body:

Notified Bodies: 0122, 0620, 1122, 2290

Link to National Database >>

Contact: henk.bartels@rdi.nl

Notified Body: 1783


Tuba Görgülü: tuba.gorgulu@sanayi.gov.tr

Emre Çınar: emre.cinar@sanayi.gov.tr

Öznur Babur: oznur.babur@sanayi.gov.tr

The information on MID and NAWID Certificates is provided by the members of WELMEC e.V.
WELMEC is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the correctness of the information and the actuality of the data.
Disclaimer of WELMEC e.V.

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